Version 0.7.0

Version 0.7.0 has now been released, including support for basic cutscenes. As usual, a test room has been added to demonstrate an implementation of this functionality. 

This version was pretty tough to implement, thanks for the need for functions that pause the map. These required some tricky coding in the depths of the framework, and I'm still not sure whether the way it's been coded is sufficiently robust. However, it is sufficient for now, and that's the important thing.

There's two different kinds of map pausing implemented in this version: halting and freezing.

When you halt a map, it saves the location, orientation and command stack of every sprite collection on the map, and then empties the command stack of every such collection, causing them to stand still in their current location. While a map is halted, you can assign sprite collections movement instructions in labels, causing them to move. Through this, you can implement cutscenes. When you unhalt a map, all sprite objects except the player are returned to their saved location, orientation and command stack. 

By contrast, a frozen map locks every character in position, to the point where it even freezes the character's animations. Nothing can move while the map is frozen, so you can't use it to implement cutscenes. Instead, freezing is intended to pause the game while you interact with objects on the map. Most of the various interactive objects in the test rooms added in previous versions now have the freeze function implemented, to demonstrate how this works. 

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Jul 07, 2020

Get Pink Engine


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(2 edits)

I'm excited with each of your new updates, you're so fast! I'm still learning to code hi hi. But I'll let you know when I made something with Pink Engine.

It's really nice to hear people are trying stuff with the engine. After the 0.7 series is done, I'll focus on making a couple of tutorials and maybe some ease-of-use improvements.