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Version 0.20.0
July 16, 2024
pink productions
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, despite my being silent for a while, I do still do work on the pink engine. Mouse-based Movement This update brings a much-requested feature to the engine: Using a mouse to...
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Version 0.19.0
December 13, 2023
pink productions
Hey everyone, it's been a while since I last put an update on here. I've moved residences between this update and the last one, and encountered several problems with my internet connection, which all...
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Version 0.18.0
August 02, 2023
pink productions
Hello everyone, it's been quite a while since I posted an update to the pink engine. Certain developments in my own personal life (the good kind, don't worry) have kept me distracted lately. Still, I...
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Version 0.17.0
April 23, 2023
pink productions
Yes, ladies, gentlemen and others, the pink engine is not dead. The new version took longer to put together than I had expected, due to having to work around certain restrictions in ren'py in a rather...
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Version 0.16.1
February 01, 2023
pink productions
Hey everyone, this is just a minor bug-busting update: If a game is saved while a sprite collection is playing an animation, the loaded game will now continue that animation from the same frame, rathe...
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Version 0.16.0
January 01, 2023
pink productions
Like last patch, this particular patch was brought to you by the discord , which discovered a couple of nasty bugs, which this patch was dedicated to fixing. The core feature of this update is a new s...
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Version 0.15.2
November 02, 2022
pink productions
Welp, my prediction of how long it'd take for the next release was way off, but at least it's out now. This particular patch was brought to you by the discord , featuring several requested features an...
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Version 0.15.1
September 18, 2022
pink productions
A pretty minor update, just implementing a workaround to restore the support for controllers. Up next will be another minor release, featuring a number of minor features and bug fixes. This should onl...
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Version 0.15.0
August 29, 2022
pink productions
Well, it took way longer than I planned (again), but the big update to Ren'py 8.0 is here! This new version of the pink engine is entirely python 3 compatible, and should run a fair bit faster as a re...
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Version 0.14.0
May 24, 2022
pink productions
Hey everyone, and welcome to another update. This time, we're focusing on parallel processes, with the goal of making them more convenient to use. Rather than having to define all features of your par...
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Version 0.13.0
April 10, 2022
pink productions
Hey everyone. Sorry about the long period without any releases, there was a bad case of scope creep for this particular release, which you can probably infer from the long list of added features. For...
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Version 0.12.0
January 20, 2022
pink productions
Hey everyone! Sorry for the lateness on this devlog. Version 0.12.0 has been out for a while now, but I kept forgetting to write the devlog for it. The big core feature for 0.12.0 are so-called 'speci...
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Version 0.11.5
November 12, 2021
pink productions
It is finally time for the oldest requested feature for the pink engine: Gamepad support. Under the default control scheme, the left stick moves the player character, the right stock rotates the playe...
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Version 0.11.4
October 12, 2021
pink productions
Hey everyone. I'd like to welcome you all to the 'get chased by minotaurs' update. This update was inspired by a discussion on the discord , where a user wanted to make a horror game wherein the playe...
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Version 0.11.3
October 04, 2021
pink productions
Hey everyone, another fresh new update has come out of our programming mines. The core new feature for this update is that the 'pink_otm_transition' standard event (that's the one you use to switch be...
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Autotile Translator v2.1
September 27, 2021
pink productions
Another small update to accompany an updated tutorial, Autotile Translator v2.1 has been revamped to make use of Tiled's new Terrain Set feature. Much more elegant to use than its old Wang Set/Autotil...
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sprite collection editor v2.1
September 26, 2021
pink productions
I've been updating the tutorials for the past few days. Tutorial 1: Making a basic pink engine game , Tutorial 2: More Map Design and Tutorial 3: Sprite Collections and NPCs have now all been updated...
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Version 0.11.2
September 06, 2021
pink productions
Okay, yes, I did say I was gonna update the tutorials and write some new ones. But then I got distracted by shiny new functionality. In this case, the shiny new functionality is followers. Followers a...
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Version 0.11.1
August 22, 2021
pink productions
Only one week after the release hiatus ended, and we're already on a new version. Today, I'm bringing you version 0.11.1, providing a foursome of new features, as well as numerous bug fixes, including...
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Version 0.11.0
August 15, 2021
pink productions
I LIVE! In related news, a new version of the Pink Engine is out. I'll admit that I completely underestimated the work that it would take. Last Februari, the first game that made use of the Pink Engin...
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Progress and Delays
April 18, 2021
pink productions
Hey everyone, As you may remember from my last post, I had planned to do a release at the end of March. Obviously, that did not end up happening. The reason for this is twofold. Firstly is that I've b...
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February 28, 2021
pink productions
You may be wondering what is up with all the bug fixes lately. The reason for this is that the first game using the Pink Engine has been published by kigyo. It is called Deep Sea Valentine . As part o...
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February 04, 2021
pink productions
Yet another bugfix release. Firstly, I actually fixed the bug that I claimed to have fixed last time, which caused players to carry over their run speed when entering a cutscene. I also undid the 'fi...
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January 31, 2021
pink productions
I'm still working on the new rendering loop, as well as polygon-based movement rules. However, before I release that, I had to go fix some bugs that had been pointed out in the discord. I have also u...
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Version 0.10.2
January 18, 2021
pink productions
Hey Everyone! It's been a while since the prior release. This is largely because I've been playing around with future concepts and designs for the engine, as well as taking a bit of time off around ne...
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Version 0.10.1
December 25, 2020
pink productions
One thing that has been annoying me for a long time now has been the inability to use the console from within the pink engine without causing crashes. This update fixes that problem by adding a new, p...
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Version 0.10.0
December 23, 2020
pink productions
Two great new functions in this update: Parallel processes, and code execution. Rather than having to do all your variable updates through events, which interrupt the game, you can now have them run i...
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Version 0.9.2
December 06, 2020
pink productions
Hey everyone! This update was a bit smaller than I wanted it to be, so the addition of parallel processes will have to wait until the next release. I did lay the groundwork for them here, with the add...
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sprite collection editor v2.0.exe
November 25, 2020
pink productions
Like was done for the autotile translator, I spent some time updating the sprite collection editor: I added duplication buttons for animations and properties, which had been a feature requested on the...
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autotile translator v2.0.exe
November 15, 2020
pink productions
Since I added the animated tiles, I've been working on updating the autotile translator so that it can easily work with animated autotiles as well. And, since I was adding stuff anyway, I also added s...
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November 05, 2020
pink productions
A small but handy update, enabling animated tiles on object layers. Not much else to remark really. I've got a couple of new features in the pipeline, and am not sure in which order I'll tackle them...
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November 02, 2020
pink productions
Just a minor fix for a bug that had been pointed out on our discord . When moving to a large map while zoomed in, it caused a very brief flickering of the screen. This issue has now been fixed. On to...
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Version 0.9.1
November 01, 2020
pink productions
Yet another new version of the Pink Engine. The big new feature this time around is the much-anticipated animated tiles. Made using Tiled's tile animation editor, these tiles show off a single animat...
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October 25, 2020
pink productions
A minor release prior to the release of the next tutorial this afternoon. This release contains a minor bugfix and a minor new feature. The bugfix is in regards to the "go_to" command. When I made the...
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October 15, 2020
pink productions
A small bug fix update for the previous version. Big thanks to Kigyo on our discord for pointing out these bugs and helping in the debugging process. The engine from 0.9.0 didn't deal well with tile...
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Version 0.9.0
October 11, 2020
pink productions
Yes, yes, I know I was supposed to be writing tutorials for the pink engine, not expanding it. I kinda distracted myself. I promise I'll start working on those remaining guides next. The crux of versi...
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Sprite Collection Editor
September 26, 2020
pink productions
The long-awaited sprite collection editor has finally been added to the pink engine. A tutorial for the editor has been added to the lemmasoft thread, and can be found at the lemmasoft thread . This...
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September 21, 2020
pink productions
Hey everyone, it's been a while. I had a nasty sickness, so had been unable to do any work on the engine for a while. Thankfully, I have now recovered, and am back in action. This update is the result...
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Autotile Translator
September 01, 2020
pink productions
Hey everyone who reads devlogs, This is just a small side-release, giving you an updated version of the autotile translator. This one actually has a GUI, so no more editing the source code. The reason...
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Version 0.8.0
August 22, 2020
pink productions
As I was writing the first of the pink engine tutorials, I realized that I wanted these tutorials to be usable for a while, rather than having to update them (and forcing users to relearn the basics)...
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Version 0.7.4
August 14, 2020
pink productions
This one came a little slower than I wanted, because off-grid movement turned out to be significantly trickier than I thought it would be. Also, there was a week-long heat wave that reduced me to a pu...
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Version 0.7.3
July 27, 2020
pink productions
This one was kind of a pain to accomplish, but I think I was succesful in the end. The main goal of this release was to allow creators to control camera movements during cutscenes. The game does this...
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Version 0.7.2a
July 19, 2020
pink productions
Turns out I made a whoopsie on the 0.7.1 release. I deleted the images from the shadow tileset, but forgot to remove the shadow tileset itself, nor did I remove the tileset from the test maps. As such...
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Version 0.7.1
July 18, 2020
pink productions
0.7.1 is an unplanned update that adds only a minor feature. Essentially, I was kind of annoyed of having to make custom-sized shadows for new testing rooms. Since one of the joys of being a programme...
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Version 0.7.0
July 07, 2020
pink productions
Version 0.7.0 has now been released, including support for basic cutscenes. As usual, a test room has been added to demonstrate an implementation of this functionality. This version was pretty tough...
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Version 0.6.5
July 07, 2020
pink productions
Excited to release this new 'minor' update, which vastly expands the movement options available to program your NPC routes. No less than four new test rooms had to be added just to demonstrate all the...
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Version 0.6.4
June 23, 2020
pink productions
This was a tough update to create, but I think I managed to work out all of the bugs. The pink engine now includes support for moving objects, meaning you can create full-fledged NPCs. A new testing...
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Version 0.6.3
June 16, 2020
pink productions
A small update to Sprite Collections, allowing them to be assigned to global variables through use of the new ref_name keyword. Through this, you can then use this keyword to give commands to sprite c...
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Version 0.6.2
June 14, 2020
pink productions
Long has our PC been alone in his game world, but no longer! She now has a devil to hold her company, over in test room A08. This little devil buddy is implementation of a Sprite Collection. For now,...
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Version 0.6.1
June 07, 2020
pink productions
A new minor release follow hotly on the heels of the previous major release, adding a small but essential fix: Loading no longer returns to the start of the map/latest event, but returns you to the sp...
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Version 0.6.0
June 06, 2020
pink productions
Version 0.6 has been added to Itch. This version includes conditional objects and tiles, as well as refactoring the way that movement rules and events are calculated for each coordinate. With those ch...
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Version 0.5.4 and the autotile translator.
June 02, 2020
pink productions
Update 0.5.4 is rather small, just altering some of the values on the sample tileset to be more in line with the guidelines I prescribe in the documentation. More significant is the release of the aut...
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Version 0.5.3
May 20, 2020
pink productions
I've started a Lemmasoft thread for the pink engine, and immediately gotten some solid feedback. Version 0.5.3 includes the bug fixes and changes proposed by user 'gas', along with a general retinker...
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Version 0.5.2
May 15, 2020
pink productions
Another smaller release, but this time with a pair of features. Firstly, screens that fit on your screen in one in dimension are now centered on your screen. You can visit any of the test rooms to see...
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Version 0.5.1
May 15, 2020
pink productions
A new, small update has been uploaded. This fixes that bug where interacting with an object that causes a dialogue makes the PC's last movement repeat...
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Version 0.5
May 12, 2020
pink productions
Version 0.5 has been added to Itch. This version includes touch-based events, which are obviously essential. Care has been taken to prevent touch-based events from causing infinite loops. Currently i...
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