Version 0.7.3

This one was kind of a pain to accomplish, but I think I was succesful in the end.

The main goal of this release was to allow creators to control camera movements during cutscenes. The game does this through the new 'spawn camera drone' function, which creates an invisible NPC-like object that can be given any movement instruction any other object could also take. The camera will keep following the drone until it is told to attach to something else, or reset to the player. The camera now also supports zooming, including a smooth zoom option that should be handy for cutscenes.

A ton of little technical upgrades were necessary to make the expanded camera options work. Most obviously, the camera is now actually properly centered on the screen, rather than being slightly to the top left. There is no longer a mandatory black margin around the edges of the map (though you can of course add one if you like). Smaller-than-grid-size character sprites are now centered in the middle of the grid, rather than at the top-left corner. 

Aside from the camera functions, I also added sprinting. Simply hold shift to increase your movement speed and switch animation sets. Sprinting can be disabled or forced through global variables. In the test map, these global variables can be manipulated through a new computer. 

Next up is 0.7.4, which will further expand cutscene options, this time by adding extra movement options. These options will include off-grid movements. After that will be 0.7.5, which will finish out the 0.7 series of updates by adding sight events. When that is done, I will focus on writing some tutorials and maybe adding some tools, so creators can start experimenting with the engine. 

Files 30 MB
Jul 27, 2020

Get Pink Engine

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